First: Seeing my friends homes and businesses flooded
Then: My grandpa getting sick
Now: Tropical Cyclone Yasi
I feel quite removed from the first and last events in a strange way, actually. When they first occur, it's as if here they exist in some distant vacuum, because the news-media haven't picked the story up yet. Amazing what a difference that makes. Also quite intriguing to see the effects that social media has on the spread of this type of story, but I digress.
My colleagues are a perfect case in point here, as most of them don't have family or close friends in Australia. Due to lack of media coverage here they are mostly completely unaware of the event itself, but following that, also of the scale of it. You almost have to superimpose a weather image over the top of Europe before they begin to realise the gravity of it. It's a bit hard to be fully emotionally involved in an event no one else around you has heard of!
My grandpa is still not well but he seems to be very slowly improving. I am crossing my fingers this continues.
I've been crossing my fingers and toes for the people of Far North Queensland too...gosh they've had such a battering of late. Tough cookies they are, though. Kudos to them for having such an unflappable and good natured attitude towards events that would challenge most people. xx

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